little susie-Michael Jackson.jpg     


         水凡鮮少聽英文歌曲,但很喜歡Michael Jackson的某些作品。 不是他忠實的歌迷,但從來就不討厭這位在部份人眼中甚為怪誕的他。 他喜歡裝神秘;他希望長不大;他熱愛整容... 說真的,關我什麼事,那是他的個人自由,而這自由對其他人尚不構成任何傷害。 水凡,只是一個聽歌的人,不是任何人的歌迷,對Michael Jackson的私生活、負面消息、八卦花絮,沒有興趣,只對這位巨星在舞台上的表演感到讚賞。


  欣賞一個人,可不可以只注目他/她想呈現給世人的心血結晶,忘掉其他多餘的探尋? 死老百姓是人,明星們也是人... 可他們所奢求的一方安寧,又在哪裡?


  1993年,Michael Jackson捲入對他殺傷力最深的醜聞裏... 那時高談闊論的新聞中,多得是蜚短流長的議論、對他的性向與癖好的探討,以及,所謂受害一方的言之鑿鑿... 然而,在當時有多少人注意到一個現象? 媒體裡幾乎沒有Michael Jackson自己的聲音。 是他天生沉默,抑或於這個世道他只能無言以對? 那是默認或百口莫辯? 一半、一半的機率吧。 至少媒體現今承認了Michael Jackson其實很少藉由他們向這個世界說話。 


  是的,他的舉止是有怪異之處;是的,Michael Jackson也許確實不是全然的好人,但人性的貪婪面使敝人對一位自稱愛子心切的母親與Michael Jackson過去信任的司機之言... 同樣存有高度懷疑。 誰看到這天價和解之訟案背後的真相? 沒有人,不是? 敝人所關注的,只是司法女神那矇起的雙眼下... 方得窺見的事實。 那在案情尚未釐清之前既已失衡的天枰... 最終偏向了誠實的答案嗎? 以此為截殺Michael Jackson的武器,是冷酷中特有的狠厲,而多數人們常在舉起它之前忘了再三深思。 沒有真相,沒有資格替他叫屈,但同樣也無法在他頭上先送上荊棘。


  1995年,Michael Jackson發行了 "History. Past, Present and Future. Book I"這張專輯,而這也是水凡在美國買的第一張英文歌專輯。 聽完所有的曲子後,突然替他感到心疼。 "They Don't Care About Us",是他不加粉飾的憤怒嘶吼,宣洩出他從頭至尾未曾公開說過的不滿── 不滿部份人們加諸於他的不公。 "Little Susie",迴旋式的旋律,是風波在庸庸擾擾中打轉,卻始終掬不到一滴真相的源泉而聚攏成的一池清悲。 所以,絕望了,如同歌曲中的Little Susie... 也有害怕的時候,也有纖弱的一面,在沒有人目擊全部過程的情況之下,任由死亡阻絕再呼救的必要。 Little Susie死了... 而他是否在那時就當自己已死? 末了,"Smile"... 即使滿心塞著苦澀、即使血肉或已乾枯,又怎能不在璀璨燈光下微笑呢? 他是Michael Jackson呀。


  說悼念他,於我自己是假情。 悲他背負著人生中最大的不光彩而踏上絕路,這比較貼近真心。 後期的Michael Jackson,眼神中常是無底的空洞,心靈裡鑿刻著空虛...。 願他在他信仰的神前,為自己的榮譽與罪行,得到最公平的審判與寬恕。 "Lift her with care  So young and so fair"... trade me with fair  in the other world 大概是他暗地裡最渴望的乞求。 再見了,水凡心中唯一認同的樂壇之王,儘管我不曾對你尖叫過 "I Love You"。



"Little Susie"

Writtern and Composed by Michael Jackson

Somebody killed little Susie
The girl with the tune
Who sings in the daytime at
She was there screaming
Beating her voice in her doom
But nobody came to her soon...

A fall down the stairs
Her dress torn
Oh the blood in her hair...
A mystery so sullen in air
She lie there so tenderly
Fashioned so slenderly
Lift her with care,
Oh the blood in her hair...

Everyone came to see
The girl that now is dead
So blind stare the eyes in her head...
And suddenly a voice from the crowd said
This girl lived in vain
Her face bear such agony, such strain...

But only the man from next door
Knew Little Susie and how he cried
As he reached down
To close Susie's eyes...
She lie there so tenderly
Fashioned so slenderly
Lift her with care
Oh the blood in her hair...

It was all for God's sake
For her singing the tune
For someone to feel her despair
To be damned to know hoping is dead and you're doomed
Then to scream out
And nobody's there...

She knew no one cared...

Father left home, poor mother died
Leaving Susie alone
Grandfather's soul too had flown...
No one to care
Just to love her
How much can one bear
Rejecting the needs in her prayers...

Neglection can kill
Like a knife in your soul
Oh it will
Little Susie fought so hard to live...
She lie there so tenderly
Fashioned so slenderly
Lift her with care
So young and so fair




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